Winery Etiquette Tips: What to Do & What Not to Do

Matt McCollough, manager of Three Wine Company in Clarksburg, CA, previously shared some great information with us about visiting a winery.  But we had one last question for him, which led to some really valuable info to have the next time you head to a winery.  Yes, you’re there to have fun.  But you must behave yourself, dahling. 😉

Do you have any etiquette tips for visitors?  Things they should and shouldn’t do if they’re first-timers and not familiar?

What NOT to do…
1. Don’t treat the tasting room like its a bar.
2. Don’t wear scented lotions, perfumes, chapstick, as these things can influence the wine.
3. Do not help yourself to wine.  Wait for it to be poured for you.
4. Just because you don’t like a wine, it doesn’t mean it’s “bad”.  Its just not for you.  Everyone has different tastes and preferences.

Things you SHOULD do…
1. Ask questions!  Most of us in this business are passionate about wine and want to share that passion.  There are no “dumb” questions.
2. Try a new wine you’ve never had or heard of.  You never know when you’ll find a new favorite.
3. Don’t group all wines of one varietal in a category and have your mind made up on that wine.  Every region and winery will make wine of the same varietal differently.

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